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This is a Y gun snow maker one of many snow makers for sale note this snowmaker only produces 2 inches per hour
current price: product #1
This is another snow maker called a T gun
current price: product # 2
These snowmaking devices produce aroud 3 inches per hour over a 20 x 30 foot area depending on wind. they require wet bulb temetures of 28.9 degrees or less. A conversin chart will be included with each snowmaker. they alsow require 6-8 cfm (cubic feet per minuet) of compressed air at 40 psi. all compressors should be rated for 100% duty cycle, although mine are not they work just as well, but not recomended.
products below coming soon!
package # 1 product# 3
this package contains -
1 Y gun snowmaker, 1 T gun snowmaker,1 rope tow, 1 snow groomer either groomer 1 or 2,
current price: N/A
groomer 1 product # 4
this groomer and pictures coming soon!
current price: N/A